Star Corse Return and Exchange Policy

You can return the product within 15 days from the day you receive your order.

The product(s) must be sent to us with the original packaging undamaged, unopened, unused and undamaged as a result of usage error. You must send the product via the cargo you received. In order for your return to reach us in a healthier way, make sure that you send your shipment via the agreement code you will receive from our customer representatives.

Who will pay the shipping cost in return?

The shipping costs of the products you send with a Return & Exchange request belong to you. You can send the product(s) you want to return or exchange together with your invoice with the cargo company that our company has an agreement with. In order for the products to reach us without any problems, make sure that you send your shipment via the cargo agreement information you will receive from our customer representatives.

When can I get the return price back?

If the customer returns the product or withdraws from the shopping, the product price will be refunded within fourteen (14) business days from the moment the returned product reaches us.

Do not accept if the box or package sent during cargo delivery is torn or opened.

Torn and broken products will not be returned after receiving the cargo in the materials you receive.

Return Conditions:

The package of the product you will return must be undamaged, unused and undamaged as a result of usage error.

If the package of the product you will return has been opened, if it has been removed from the package sent by us, the return is definitely not accepted.

If the product you will return is defective, the return is provided. If the product sent is flawless and there is no problem and it has been unpacked, the return is not accepted.

The products are tested and examined in our laboratory.

If the products reach us in a used, worn, washed condition, we may have to send them back to you. In this case, no refund will be made.

You must return the product(s) you wish to return with all accessories and the original box and invoice.

We do not accept returns of disposable products and products that deteriorate quickly or are likely to expire.

Cosmetics and personal care products, underwear products, adhesive bras, swimwear, bikinis, books, copyable software and programs, DVDs, VCDs, CDs and cassettes, and stationery consumables (toner, cartridges, ribbons, etc.) can only be returned if they are unopened, untested, intact and unused.

For detailed information about return procedures, you can send an e-mail to or contact us.